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Nico Wigcherts Delphinium nursery in Noordijkerhout was the cradle of many home bred varieties.  He introduced the Dewi series, well known for their excellent production characteristics and beautiful flowers. Since 2016 Agriom and Nico have joined their forces in breeding and selection in several production areas overseas. Apart from the actual breeding Agriom represents and distributes Nico Wigcherts products worldwide.


Initially Delphinium elatum was developed for the production in a moderate North-west European climate. The worldwide production opportunities however have influenced the breeding targets and selection criteria. Nico’s production experience in combination with Agrioms service have resulted in a fantastic wide assortment and market opportunities. The Dewi varieties are known for their excellent vase-life, a USP to keep in mind!


Interested in the Dewi varieties? Download the delphinium assortment flyer (pdf).

For international sales and representation: Jaap Stelder (

More info: Delphiniumkwekerij N.G. Wigchert

