Agriom specialises in breeding plant varieties for the production of floriculture and soft fruit crops.

The main  office of Agriom is located in De Kwakel, the Netherlands. In addition to the central breeding company, the company consists of a number of joint ventures that excel in specific crops.

Each joint venture is a long- term partnership between breeder Agriom and internationally operating production companies. Together we work on breeding successes that determine the relevant market.

A successful cultivation starts with excellent plant material. By producing high-quality plantmaterial, we add a core activity to our business operations and support the introduction of new varieties via Amuse B.V.

Together with its partners, Agriom closely follows global movements in floriculture and fruit growing. Our approach is innovative and we are driven by results. Our goal is to introduce new improved crops quickly to the market.

In addition to the breeding activities within the joint venture companies, Agriom also carries out work on behalf of fellow propagation and/or production companies. These activities vary from guidance or advice on breeding programs to the complete design and implementation of a breeding project. Agriom also conducts research related to breeding activities.


Agriom excells in classical plant breeding. We make optimal use of the natural genetic variation that exists in every crop and create varieties with better cultivation properties and superior quality through crossbreeding. Our breeding programs comply with the international rules as laid down in the Nagoya Protocol.

The purpose, design and implementation of a breeding program are determined in close consultation with the client.

We have knowledge of both the Dutch and foreign markets. This contributes to the successful introduction of new varieties.

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Agriom is located at four locations in and around Aalsmeer, the Netherlands.  In total there is 5 hectares of greenhouses and 1 hectare of open field.

At our main office in De Kwakel we have access to various climate cells and  facilities for testingt the shelf life of products under set conditions.

Agriom also has special areas for disease-resistance testing and a tissue culture laboratory that enables the rapid propagation of new products when necessary.

The laboratory is also equiped for other activities to support plant breeding such as mutagenesis, the production of virus-free plants, ploidy modification and embryo rescue.

We test crops at locations in Germany, Spain, Kenya and Ecuador.

July 13-16 2024Cultivate'24, Columbus, Ohio, USAAldershot/HBA
November 5-7 2024Trade Fair, Aalsmeer, the Netherlands HBA

Please check the Dutch page ‘vacatures’ for vacancies.

veredeling Agriom


Agriom provides expertise in a wide range of areas including breeding, consulting, research and positioning of concepts.


Agriom’s extensive practical experience with many floriculture and soft fruit crops combined with access to academic expertise enables us to develop and execute both small and large-scaled breeding programmes for many crops.


Due to our extensive network of distributors and partners worldwide Agriom keeps a close eye on international trends and developments. By adapting our breeding targets and selection criteria we are able to act and react accordingly. We optimise the productline as well as sales opportunities overseas.


We ensure that new crops are protected with plant variety rights and we take care that royalty payments are made.


Agriom is your ideal partner for assisting in the start-up of a new breeding programme. Our extensive knowledge of subsidy opportunities enables a quick-scan for financial support. Professional consultants guide the various steps during the process towards the desired start of your programme.


A successful cultivation starts with excellent plant material. By producing high-quality plantmaterial, we add a core activity to our business operations and support the introduction of new varieties.


Agriom houses facilities needed to conduct various kinds of research related to the needs of the floriculture sector. These could range from testing consumer value to literature reviews. Our close contacts and cooperation with various research institutes ensures we are up to date with the latest techniques.


Ever since beginning its breeding activities in 1985, Agriom and its partners have been successful in developing varieties for the production of floriculture and soft fruit crops.


For commercial inquiries: 

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The Agriom team will be pleased to welcome you.

A4 Amsterdam – Den Haag: take the Aalsmeer (N201) exit.
Take the N201 towards Aalsmeer, follow the ring road around Aalsmeer, go through the Waterwolftunnel, and then follow the N201 to its intersection with the N231 (Legmeerdijk). Turn right towards Kudelstaart. Follow the N231 for about 4.5 km until you reach a location 100 m after the BP petrol station. Turn right and then left onto: Achterweg. After 1 km on the right hand.

A2 Utrecht – Amsterdam: take the Vinkeveen (N201) exit.
Follow the N201 towards Vinkeveen past Mijdrecht, turn left at Amstelhoek onto the N196, drive through Uithoorn until you get to the intersection with the N231. Turn left towards Kudelstaart. Follow the N231 for about 2.5 km until you reach a location 100 m after the BP petrol station. Turn right and then left onto: Achterweg. After 1 km on the right hand.


News from Agriom and its partners.


De Kwakel, December 2024 – At this moment the second degree cooperative Onubafruit started with its extra-early blueberry program which is developed in collaboration with Agriom. Onubafruit is one of the leading companies in the production and export of berries. At www.freshplaza.com an interview with Francisco Sánchez, manager of Onubafruit gives an interesting insight of ...


De Kwakel, November 2024 – Early October Jaap Stelder of Agriom visited several growers in Ecuador who are testing Lovely Temptation. ,,Lovely Temptation is a new variety of WAC International”, he explains. ,,It is a beautiful, bright red, large-flowered rose that does not turn black under high UV exposure. The initial reports, that I’m hearing, ...


De Kwakel, November 2024 – Breeder HBA presents Cloud Hydrangea BLOOMULUS, thé innovative novelty in the Hydrangea paniculata assortment. Characteristic for the BLOOMULUS series are the cloud-like flower heads. The series will be offered in three branded pot sizes: 14 cm, 18 cm and 23 cm, with special emphasis on the 14 cm pot size. ...